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Why volunteering is important

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Studying and working is important but what will make you successful in the future is not only these 2 things but also going outside your school and house to start learning something new. By doing volunteering work you will gain lots of benefits. Before joining the volunteering you should know about these 3 things.

  •  First being honest: because everywhere people only work better with honest people and your image will follow you around.
  • Second, accepting the truth: Accepting the benefits but also the responsibilities of the work you are doing. Benefits and rewards always come with responsibilities.  
  •  The last is compassion because doing volunteer work is not that easy. You will be challenged a lot and it will take a lot of time to do it. Sometimes, you are not even recognized for what you do, but remember why you started to do it in the first place.

Here are 10 benefits of volunteering:

  1. Learning new skills: People might tend to think that learning at school or from the books is enough but it’s completely wrong. When you join or do any volunteer work you will discover new skills such as communication skills, problem solving, critical thinking and other hard skills that school cannot provide.

  2. Getting to know more new people: The more people you meet, the more experience you get because with one new person you can learn many things from them. More than this, you will create a strong network that might help you with your career in the future but also with anything you will decide to take actions for.

  3. Discovering yourself: most people don't really know what they like or what they want to become. By volunteering and giving time to others, you will find out more about yourself.

  4. Becoming the actor of change: Emma Watson once said “If not me who, If not now, when?”. Don’t wait for others to do it for you or to start when you can start doing it by yourself.

  5. Volunteering increases your self confidence: To boost your self confidence is when you go out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. It might be hard at first but then you will realize that you feel more confident day by day. For example, at first you cannot even ask people about the little things by then you start to be the one who talks to lots of people. 

  6. Building strong leadership skills: No one is born to be the leader: they learn how to become a leader. This leadership skill takes you a long time to learn but the best way to learn this skill is joining any volunteer work, leading the project or any event. 

  7. Helping our society: some people said they want to help their society or people who are in need but they don’t know how to do it. Here by doing volunteer work you can be part of society and help them as much as you can.

  8. Valuable experience for your resume: By doing volunteering work you can put all of that information on your resume because when you are looking for the job that might help you to have a high opportunity to pass it.

  9. Traveling a lot : For those who love to travel, joining volunteer work might help you to discover new places and get something new from one place to another place. 

  10. Last but not least It helps with your mental health: As psychology once said “ Mental health is the mother and physical health is the father.” So here it's to help you to improve your mental health in a positive way and be happy with what you are doing right now.

To sum up, when you work hard with something you love it’s called passion but with your work you don’t really like it called stress. 

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